Successful Quarterly Meeting at the Baralaba Coal Mine Central Queensland – 1/10/2014
A total of around 40 people attended the BBGG Quarterly Meeting held at Baralaba on Wednesday 1st of October 2014. After meeting at the Baralaba Bowls Club for registration and a technical meeting the group then proceeded to the Baralaba Coal Mine for a tour of the operations. Many thanks to Richard Punt, Alex Bell and Victoria Treacy and others from Cockatoo Coal for presenting and organising the day. Thanks are also extended to Alex Duran from Pells Sullivan Meynink for giving an insight into the geotechnical challenges on site. David Green from GEMS was also able to update the group on recent advances in Coal Log. Cockatoo Coal is thanked for its support of the event. Photos and information relating to the day are available via the “Publications” tab on the home page.